
accomplished offence中文什么意思

发音:   用"accomplished offence"造句
  • 既逐罪
  • accomplished:    adj. 1.已完成的。 2.有教养的,有才能的,学识渊 ...
  • offence:    n. 1.罪,罪过;【法律】犯罪;违犯,违反 (agai ...
  • accomplished:    adj. 1.已完成的。 2.有教养的,有才能的,学识渊博的。 accomplished facts 既成事实。 an accomplished villain 臭名昭彰的坏蛋。 an accomplished lady 才女。 be accomplished in 专长,擅长,精通。
  • no offence!:    别见怪; 别往心里去; 没有冒犯你的意思
  • offence:    n. 1.罪,罪过;【法律】犯罪;违犯,违反 (against)。 2.无礼,侮辱;冒犯,触怒。 3.引起反感的事物。 4.【军事】攻击 (opp. defense); 〔集合词〕攻击部队。 5.【圣经】罪源,绊脚石。 a first offence 初犯。 an offence against decency [good manners] 无礼,没规矩。 No offence was meant. 并没有触犯的意思;不是恶意讲(做)的。 O- is the best defense. 攻击是最好的防御。 commit an offence against 犯(法),违背[破坏](法律、风俗);侵犯(权利)。 give [cause] offence to 触怒…,使…生气,得罪。 take offence 见怪,生气,感到自己受委屈或侮辱。 without offence 不使人见怪,不触犯人;没有生气。 adj. -less 不得罪人的,老实的,温和的;无力进攻的。
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  1. This part mainly deals with definition of accomplished offence and attempt of the crime
  2. Error in the criminal law , especially fact error , not only offense shape of effect action man , criminal responsibility , but also relate to the criminal accomplished offence either not abortive . it is the significant task in the criminal law
  3. Only when conducting criminals set to practice the affray , the accomplished offence of the conduct of the organ izer will be constituted , otherwise against the converted criminal of the crime the sanction of more serious kind should be imposed according to the specific circumstance
  4. Elaborate the dividing line of the accomplished offence and not accomplished offence ; dividing line of this crime and other crime , consist of this crime and crime of manufacture and sale fake bad product , the dividing line of the crime and the crime of defrauding ; the dividing line of one crime and several crimes and the indentify of gang crime



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